Perditësimi i fundit November 19th, 2024 9:57 AM
Mar 08, 2017 Zani i Nalte English 0
Islamic Sciences 1. Tradition of Mawlud to the Muslims Prof. Dr. Qazim Qazimi, Kosovo It is an undeniable reality that Mawlud celebration – the Prophet (AS) birthday – did not happen...Jan 13, 2017 Zani i Nalte English 0
Islamic Sciences 1. Functionalism of Islamic thought Dr. Muhamed Mustafi Islamic thought is something that is considered as an entirety which cannot be divided into smaller parts, because in such a...Jan 10, 2017 Zani i Nalte English 0
Islamic Sciences 1. Soul diseases and their treatment according Ghazali Dr. Milud Hamidat, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Laghouat University – Algeria Among the fundamental...Jan 06, 2017 Zani i Nalte English 0
Islamic Sciences 1. An overview on belief in afterlife Ali Zaimi It is quite impossible for an individual who doesn’t believe that he/she will be taken into account for his/her deeds, to have a...Jan 05, 2017 Zani i Nalte English 0
Studies 1. Beyond the three-dimensional “cage”… Blerim Lazimi, Physics teacher at “Said Najdeni” High School, Peshkopia Apparently, mathematics itself (along with the physics)...May 20, 2016 Zani i Nalte English 0
Islamic Sciences 1. Islam’s strategy for peacemaking in the world Prof. Dr. Muhamed Sherkavi, Saudi Arabia Abstract Islamic teachings point to the human right to freely choose their own...Jul 29, 2015 Zani i Nalte English 0
1. Last Teaching of Gabriel (A.S.) Prof. dr. Ajhan Tekinesh “Bedër” University Abstract It is impossible to imagine for the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) – for whom it is known how sensitive...Jun 15, 2015 Zani i Nalte English 0
Islamic science Metaphysical Basics of the disease by Prof. Dr. Ayhan Tekines, Bedër University Abstract Taking into account only the material aspects of the disease is the reason why the...Jun 15, 2015 Zani i Nalte English 0
Abstracts in English The religious conclusion about the hypnotic and stupefacient subjects by Prof. Dr. Ayhan Tekines “Bedër” University Abstract Through creating people, Allah the Almighty...Nov 10, 2014 Zani i Nalte English 0
Islamic science 1. Islam and the national unity Hafiz Ali Kraja Abstract Before the global war, the world had more or less provided an apparent tranquility through political relationships and...Apr 01, 2022 0
Departamenti i Shkencave Islame në Kolegjin Universitar Bedër në bashkëpunim me Departamentin e Teologjisë dhe Kulturës, në Kolegjin Universitar Logos dhe Institutin Katolik të...Sep 13, 2024 0
nga Resul Rexhepi إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا...Nov 03, 2020 0
nga Nuredin Nazarko Abstrakt Ishte pak të thuash se ishte i gëzuar. Nuk ishte i gëzuar thjesht se nuk humbi zahiretë e mbledhura me mund, por që arriti të mposhtë...Jul 02, 2024 0
Prof. dr. Muhamed Mustafi Fakulteti i Shkencave Islame në Shkup Hyrje Në botën e fesë ekziston një koncept shumëdimensional dhe kozmopolit dhe për këtë arsye është shumë e...