Perditësimi i fundit November 19th, 2024 9:57 AM
Nov 10, 2014 Zani i Nalte English 0
Islamic science
1. What is Islam?
H. Ali Kraja
It is true that Islam is not a new faith, but it is eternal. People can accept or throw it, but it always remains a true faith, being aware that faith acceptance is of a great benefit for the humanity. Islamic faith never lost, but like the science sometimes lose its value because of people’s ignorance, the Islamic faith have lost its value in the recent years too. No matter what people say or desire, but God is a caring Creator of everything.
2. The worship in the Prophet Muhammad life
M.A. Elton Karaj
If we take into consideration the first meaning of the word ibada, then we can say that Prophet Muhammad’s entire life was focused on this objective’s fulfillment…It must be said that Hz. Muhammad (a.s.) was extremely devoted in his worship acts. When observed the Prophet Muhammad’s devotion, every human being thought that during all his life, he haven’t done anything else but worship. In this aspect, nobody can be compared to him. During salaat, he experienced the deepest worship process and he felt and expressed so strongly it, that there were no salaat act during which he didn’t shudder and shed tears.
3. The Islamic message – An embracing religion
Muhamed Tawfik Ahmed – Egypt
Islam is the religion of all humans, it calls for equality of all people before their Creator. Despite the various countries in which they live, they should cooperate with each other through good mutual relationships where the rich helps the poor.
All these mutual obligations constitute the system of social existence. Each division and discrimination in base of race, color or culture doesn’t come from Islamic principles. All people in Islam constitute a family made up of blacks and whites, all of these brothers with each other.
4. The interfaith tolerance and understanding as a dimension of the Albanian national history
Prof. Dr. Ferit Duka – UET, Tirana
The data obtained from various historical sources clearly prove the existence of tolerance and peaceful coexistence between Albanian people of different faiths. The Albanian National Movement for liberation from Ottoman rule and the establishment of independent national state, is a very significant example of the sincere cooperation and without prejudice of patriotic intellectuals and activists who regardless of religious, gave a decisive contribution to political and cultural affirmation of the Albanian nation.
5. The deportation of the Albanian people to Turkey (1937-1941) and the role of the Islamic Community in its prevention
Qerim Lita – Skopje
The Islamic Religious Community in the Kingdom of SCS (Yugoslav), respectively the Ulema Majlis of Skopje, which included all Albanian territories under Yugoslavia, played an important role in the organization of the Muslim population. Based on this fact, that time government of Yugoslavia, saw in this organization, see a robust “Alete” (gadget) for the implementation of their obsolete plans as: the assimilation of Muslim population especially the Albanian and Turkish one; the violent expulsion of this population to Turkey and colonization of these regions with Slavic colons.
6. The philosophy of Madrasa’s educational system in Albania
Dr. Genti Kruja – Director of Culture – KMSH
The problems of education and tuition have preoccupied many philosophies, religions, thinkers, scholars and political systems in different times and places of the world. Education and tuition today is one of the main pillars of society, because in many countries and areas where it is absent or misused, there exist social problems, which often cause social crises, conflicts and even wars.
So, today through a better-seeking education and education, where the sciences are interwoven with the values of faith, especially with the norms and principles of Islam, we will have a healthier society, morally and spiritually, from which will radiate peace, understanding and coexistence without distinction of race, sex and religion. This model is currently applied with a great success in the madrassas of Albania, which in recent years have confirmed the success and achievements thesis through a very good level of their students.
Communication Science
7. The communication through Islamic worship places in Albania
Ferit Lika – kmsh
In these cult objects it was communicated and still continues to communicate the human need to study, to be educated to be learned, for gaining knowledge is a primary duty of every Muslim, because the essence of Islam itself is learning and conveying knowledge…
The massive flows at mosques after the collapse of communism showed that believers strongly held religious convictions of their own, despite the persecution. All those religious patriots who opposed the destructive ideas of that regime were persecuted, killed and slaughtered in the most inhumane way, but even this could not tear the roots of faith in our country.
Political Science
8. Is Islam compatible with democracy?
M.S. Fatos A. Kopliku – Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Islam agrees with any form of governance, democracy or whatever it might be called, as long as the state does not interfere with every detail of social and personal life, dictating with the razor of laws and regulations the way it should be lived. Muslims would heartily agree with the American poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau when he says that “That government is best which governs the least.”
It is very important, especially, to Muslims that religion, the re-binding with the Divine, is not harmed or manipulated by the state intervention. Rumi says that “A house without windows is hell. The mission of religion is to open a window”, and this means that any state intervention, or of any organization for that matter, to bend religion according to its own agenda, means the narrowing of this providential window (shut completely by the communists) and a step closer towards an infernal house or space.
9. Balkan Wars
British Consular Reports from Macedonia in the last years of the Ottoman Empire
Myzejen Myftari – tirana
The Balkan Wars, British Consular Reports from Macedonia in the Final Years of the Ottoman Empire” is the most recent book that the Albanian historian and researcher Bejtullah Press brings into the readers hands due to a close collaboration with the scholar Robert Elsie.
10. The constitutional position of Kosovo in the Yugoslav Federation during 1946-1974
(A historical view)
Ramadan Shkodra – Kosovo Islamic Community
After World War II, the objective course of events that lead to the solution of the Kosovo issue, was interrupted. Kosovo’s Albanian population faced pressures, fraud and violence by Yugoslav communist leaders, especially those Serbs. Their promising statements about the self-government of the Albanian people were forgotten after the war. While Kosovo Albanian partisan brigades marched northward and fought alongside the Yugoslav peoples for the entire liberation of Yugoslavia, the Albanian population in Yugoslavia experienced a fierce national repression, arrests, terror and persecution, where was banned also the use of the national flag, Albanian officials were fired and replaced with those Serbs.
11. The propagation of Muslim population in the district of Puka over the years (1523-1990)
Gëzim Kopani – Mufti of Puka district
The propagation of Islam in the Puka district dates back since 1523. The noble families of Kabashi Bayrak were the first who became Muslims followed by Puka, Rrapja, Kryeziu etc. The Puka’s well-known family “Dizdari” embraced early the Muslim faith contributing directly to the propagation of Islam in the entire district of Puka. After the XVII century in Kabashi village, Islama was propagated with a great speed. According to the data, the first who accepted Islam in Kabashi village was Hader Leka. Nopcsa wrote that Kabashi was the first tribe of northern Albania who converted in Mohammedanism. After 1900, the Puka Kazaa numbered over 700 Muslims.
12. The main characteristics of the style of Bosnian literature written in Arabic alphabet
Dr. Munir Mujić – Bosnia and-Herzegovina
The spread of Islam in Bosnia brought the use of Arabic script in Bosnia through different works and books written in Arabic, Ottoman and Persian. By the time, the Arabic script was adopted for writing in Bosnian language. Over a long period, the local Bosnian names writing was the main cause of this adaptation. The use of writings in Arabic script for Bosnian language for expressive purposes was observed in the early 17-th century. The methods of using and adapting the Arabic script in the Bosnian language phonological system were very different.
13. Vehbi Agolli (Dibra), an outstanding preacher and activist in field of national indipendence issue
Dr. Mois Kamberi – Durrës
In Vehbi Dibra were embedded in the most comprehensive organic way the deep convictions of a theologian and an Islamic philosopher, which in any case, according to the principles of the holy Quran, are in complete accordance with the principles of the patriotic worldview. The clerical and patriotic activity of Vehbi Dibra are compatible with each other and have developed parallelly in the same direction, what indicates that being a cleric is not inconsistent with being a patriot, rather it served better and fully to the national issue.
14. Tafsir of Surah al-Ihlas
by H. Ali Korça
15. Verses by Sheikh Ahmed Shkodra
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