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Nov 10, 2014 Zani i Nalte English 0
On the occasion of “ZANI I NALTË” magazine 90-th anniversary
“Zani i Nalte” magazine thematic – 1923-1939
By Ali Musa Basha
The 20-th century is considered as the regular start of the Albanian periodical Islamic press. We can trace its existence from the beginning of the new Albanian State foundation and it can be said that it got the physiognomy and was institutionalized since the foundation of the Albanian Muslim community. From the beginnings of its foundation, by having under its command the educational and religious institutions from one part, and by being found in front of the demands of intellectual organizations, and of the Muslim preachers by the other part, this community along with the publishing of religious literature, that served for the qualification of religious staff, saw as a necessity the publishing of a proper religious magazine, that would be a tribune of the Albanian Muslim thinking and the center of the Muslim press, not only in Albania but especially during the first years, in other countries where the Albanian Muslims would be found too. This necessity turned into an immediate duty by the decisions of the first Muslim Conference held at February, 1923 and in this way, at October of that year the first number of “Zani i Naltë” magazine was published, a process that continued until the beginning of 1939, i.e. approximately 16 years.
“Zani i Naltë” on the problems of education
Prof. Dr. Vehbi Hoti
“Luigj Gurakuqi”, University, Shkodra
“Zani i Naltë” magazine being at the same time the magazine that dealt with philosophy, morality, national literature and sociology, was entirely dedicated to the educational problems.
Initially by a few pages, narrow in problems dealing, the magazine gradually, especially in the years 30, was consolidated; it opens some long-term rubrics where were discussed the most fundamental principles of the Islamic faith, of the philosophy of that time and of the people’s education and character formation.
In many articles and rubrics such as:“What orders the Qur’an” and “The core of Qur’an,” “The messages of Prophet Mohammad” and “How did Muslimanism started?”, “The God’s light and philosophy” and “Idealism and materialism” etc, there were discussed the most fundamental problems of religious education and the general principles of the human character formation and education.
The religion seen by an intellectual
Prof. Dr. Bedri Bylyku
The intellectual is not defined to be only a specialist or a master in its job, but it is perfectly created and endowed by guidance in order to solve the problems of this chaotic world, especially in his country by starting from his family, his relatives, the region and the place where he was born and where he will die.
But actually the man in today’s era, in the major part is dealing with himself and with his future. For this scope, he undergoes some social obligations in spite of community’s solidarity. The experience confirms that by time passing this human being is transformed into an insulated Narcise.
The modern man has experienced both liberalistic principles, individualism and pluralism that were naturally included into the Religious idea construction. Everyone who wants to analyze the religious events will be faced with a turmoil of authoritarism and individualism inside the plurality both religionally and by means of several fractions and groups activity. For this reason, today the religion in many cases has become the mask of the non religious stances and movements. The non-religious movements have a big variety. Furthermore the scientific data and technology from one part and the traditional mythology from the other, caused it to loose the sensitivity and its time and space actuality, because religion can be understood only through the religiosity and religion, so both the subject and object should be religious, that means the subject should experience the religiosity. The non-religious subject kills or strangles the religious object that it studies.
The religion’s apologetic and juridical discussions have become disciplines that today are considered as memories. Then should it be known the essence of the religion so do we need it?
The ulema’s role in political and social course
during the independence proclamation period.
Prof. Dr. Assc. Fahrush Rexhepi
Islamic studies department- Prishtinë
The Albanian people history is outstanding not only for its ancientness, but it also represents its life and development, its difficulties through which it has been obligated to undergo during these centuries. There are the dangers that Albanians people have surpassed in their war to protect themselves and to make progress in the path of progress; there are the great material and cultural works our people’s best sons have created and have left as a heritage to their descendants.
The contribution of religion and of the Albanian ulemma in the historical, cultural and political processes of the Albania and Albanian nation will be better understood only after having a clear view of the social, political, religious and educational reality in Albanian lands during certain periods of their territory occupation.
Which is correct (Make up your mind): A Christ athlete or a national hero?
Fatos Kopliku- USA
The word “hero” originates from the ancient Greek language and means “protector” (Liddlell-Scott lexicon). However we would bustle if we would define the “hero” merely according to the military aspect. For example, although many saints and prophets have been retired from the daily life and activity, they have made their titanic efforts to surpass the obstacles and tendencies of another type – here would be enough to mention only the offer of Satan for Christ, or that of the devil called Mara, who tempted to seduce Buddha by means of his daughters – and this makes them heroes by another viewpoint. This is what is called an inner war (in hadith, the war between two wolves) and nobody less than a hero of a saint or a prophet dimensions can prevail against such enemies. By having no intention to reduce the description of major figures of this category by a single word, what we would underline, is that in this context, except the abovementioned prophets (Bodhisattva in Buddhism), a nun-saint like Saint Teresa of Avilla or any poet-saint as Yunus Emre too, can be considered as heroes although in their entire life maybe they have never touch any weapon.
Islam as a religion of the universal mercy
Muhammed Fethullah Gulen
Some “natural” phenomenon or spiritual concussions initially can be considered as unkind, but we shouldn’t judge them as events that aren’t compatible with the mercy. They are like dark clouds or lightenings and thunders which although are fearful, bring the good news of raining to us. So all the universe praise the All-Merciful.
Qur’anic letters and their pronunciation – 1
M.A. Elton Karaj
Tajwid is the science that deals and analyzes in details the reading of Qur’an, the Holy Book letters. It is one of the most deeply analyzed and elaborated sciences over the centuries, due to its importance. The reading of Qur’an is one of the fundamental aspects of a Muslim worship and furthermore, it is a worship act in itself. By this viewpoint, believers have shown a great attention in the theoretical studies and for the practical application of the knowledge that tajwid science offers.
…visit the sick people,…
Ilir Akshija, M.D., M.Sc.
Everyone of us when sick, is found between the fears about the disease prognosis and the hope for healing and upturn. In such a difficult situation, the payment for benefitting the best sanitary service still remains one of the main pillars that contribute in the final result. The duties and the rights in relation to the sanitary system nowadays are consolidated and despite their change continually, this metamorphosis is made on a previous ground. The sanitary financing at a system level are a new concept, whereas the religious communities and especially Islam, share their stance about this major issue. Our duty remains the analyzing, conclusions drawing and the right application of all that Qur’an and Sunna have offered as a solution for us. At different times live different people and together with them, there exist also different perspectives, and namely in this context, the prophetic phrase on “visiting the sick people” should be viewed in the context of the contemporary situation, in addition to the traditional view. The article takes over to place the sick Muslim and the Muslim society in the context of the contractual situation they have with the state about health issues and the opportunities offered by their affiliation to Islam.
The freedom inside the Islamic political system
M.A. Redi Shehu
When we compare two systems of government, we do this by taking into consideration the principial methods of their functioning, and do not undertake bringing into the light of comparison the distortions that have occurred throughout the history of governments. If we had to get into this impasse, we would have to analyze all dysfunctional democracies in the world today. So, such a comparison doesn’t deal with abnormalities, but focuses in the source and principles on which are built the governing concepts of both types.
Native Language & Literature
The Albanian language and statehood in the Muslim Scholar works
Doc. Dr. Ismet Osmani – “Saint Cyril and Metodi” University, Skopje
The contribution of the Albanian Islamic scholars in field of Albanian language and its statehood represent an interesting field of study that has attired the attention and has been a subject of research and studies by many scholars over the years. Such an attempt of the Islamic scholars marks the beginning of a major reform in national culture raising and the propagation of Islamic culture in the native language. In addition, the Islamic scholars work always for our nation and country political progress.
The religious institutions during the reign of King Zog: An overview on the era legislation (1928-1939)
Prof. Dr. Valentina Duka – Tirana University
The most tangible success of King Zog, a success that we, the Albanian historians didn’t dare to note during the communist ruling, was the political stability insurance in our country. He was smart enough to understand that for his state building, there was not enough to merely copy state models that could have been applied elsewhere, without taking into account the political reality in his country. King Zog eventually created a political system by combining eastern with western ideas, because this type of state, assured the necessary centralization, in order to govern the problematic Albanian political elite.
On the Albanian history review and re-writing
Nuredin Nazarko
The Albanian people attention recall on a different interpretation of the Albania history, should be attained on basis of a closer interaction between the history review and re-writing, not only for certain historical periods, but through a review and re-writing in details of all the historical developments structure, far from the influence of dialectic materialism interpretation and definitively subjected by honesty to the truth and the scope of a careful research until its realization, or at least to accept the non-realization of this scope, if it cannot be reached. This process should not serve as a cancellation and veiling instrument of the distortions and one dimensional deformations of interpretation, otherwise it would veil the truth of fraud that we have experienced and still experience, by means of the untouchability of the one dimensional and ideological spirit exclusivity in the creation and publishing of the standardized history…
The violence inside the family: A paralyzing phenomenon for the Albanian family and society
Doc. Ana Uka (Bulku)
BEDER University, Tirana
The violence inside the family is one of the most widespread phenomenon and one of the most reported crimes of the Albanian society, and this makes impossible an accurate measurement of such a phenomenon. The violence inside the family has been mostly approached as an individual problem, which belongs only to the family members and not the entire society. It is both a state and an individual responsibility to undertake effective provisions in order to protect women and children and to stop the violence. Statistics report that only 5% of the abused women inform the violence. Studies show the violence inside the family, especially at the expense of women and girls is increased during the transition years. This complicated issue by roots in the mate relationships, has a negative impact in parental process too. The women who are victims of violence inside the family, usually experience great difficulties in concentration and to work efficiently with their children; they are more inclined to avoid or to deny the situation and they neglect the impact of violence on them or their children. It is necessary a national strategy to ensure that all types of violence inside the families to be identified, its effect to be addressed and various social politics and programs of intervention to be implemented, in order to prevent all consequences that can damage the family and the entire Albanian society.
Hafiz Ibrahim Dalliu and his contribution in Islamic jurisprudence
(With a special view on his work “The Book of Prayer”)
To write about Hafiz Ibrahim efendi Dalliu and his contribution in the field of Islamic jurisprudence and in other scientific branches is not only an eligible duty, but a complex and a difficult one. This because Hafiz Ibrahim Dalliu is an outstanding personality of our culture, who through his broad and multiple work, gave a great contribution to the Albanian culture and scientific thinking raise. This granted to him an eternal deserved place in our cultural history.
H. Ibrahim Dalliu, one of the 100 outstanding personalities of the Albanian culture
Hafiz Ibrahim Dalliu was born in 1878 at a religious family, where he was educated according to the religious spirit, and by following this way, he decided to attend the studies at Istanbul. During the school period, Ibrahim, endowed by this Islamic spirit was engaged in the Albanian national issue propagation. He was an Albanian preacher, interpreter, poet, publicist, teacher and activist.
In this regard, Dalliu thought the mosque officials and every Muslim had an urgent need for religious literature in Albanian language, so immediately after he turn home, he took on the task of the teacher in one of the first schools of Tirana (1901), along with Filip Ashiku and Hoxhë Vogli, regardless the enormous difficulties, and without leaving the duty of imam in the city’s mosques.
In 1908 he established the girls’ school in Tirana, where the first Muslim-girl teachers such as Servete Maçi etc., were prepared.
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